Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Puzzles :

1. There is a cubile jug full of water and that's all u have. Now empty it to EXACT half.

2. There are three boxes containing mangoes(M), oranges(O) and third containig both(B). All have labels but wrongly put. Now take out only one fruit from any of box and correctly tell which box has what.

3. One rope burns in exactly one hour. U have two such ropes. Burn them in exaclty 45 minutes.

4. Place 4 points , such that distances between any two points are same.

5. There are 9 gold coins, all same weight except one which is a bit lighter. And u have one balacing pan. In how much weighings can u seperate the lighter one.

6. A banana merchant want to cross a 1000 k.m. desert on his camel. He has 3000 bananas but his camel can carry only 1000 bananas at a time. Also it needs a banana after every k.m. travelled. Now how much maximum bananas can he transport to the other side of desert.


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