Thursday, December 02, 2021

Kumar Vishwas Poetry references

Kumar Vishwas - क्या सुन कर झूम उठे मोरारी बापू | गंगोत्री 2018 

Kavita refrences quoted by Kumar Vishwas

मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल दूसरो ना कोई

Mirabai (1498 - 1547)

Swami Haridas (1480—1573) 

Tulsidas (1532–1623)

Surdas (16th century)

Kabir Das

रहीम दास  (1556 - 1627)

निगाहें मिला ने को जी चाहता है by Morari bapu 

Maa Mandakini River

सुखिया सब संसार है  by Kabir Das

Yogi bhi hai jinke saran jinke anasakta dehi
 jai jai raja janak punya dehi videhi
(full poem link not found yet)

(Poem link credit - Karamjit Singh Gathwala)

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Happiness and balloons


Source: internet

Friday, October 22, 2021

मैं न होता, तो क्या होता?

 सुंदरकांड में एक प्रसंग अवश्य पढ़ें !

“मैं न होता, तो क्या !होता?”

“अशोक वाटिका" में जिस समय रावण क्रोध में भरकर, तलवार लेकर, सीता माँ को मारने के लिए दौड़ पड़ा
, तब हनुमान जी को लगा, कि इसकी तलवार छीन कर, इसका सर काट लेना चाहिये!

किन्तु, अगले ही क्षण, उन्हों ने देखा
"मंदोदरी" ने रावण का हाथ पकड़ लिया !
यह देखकर वे गदगद हो गये! वे सोचने लगे, यदि मैं आगे बड़ता तो मुझे भ्रम हो जाता कि
 यदि मै न होता, तो सीता जी को कौन बचाता?

बहुधा हमको ऐसा ही भ्रम हो जाता है, मैं न होता, तो क्या होता ?
परन्तु ये क्या हुआ?
सीताजी को बचाने का कार्य प्रभु ने रावण की पत्नी को ही सौंप दिया! तब हनुमान जी समझ गये,
 कि प्रभु जिससे जो कार्य लेना चाहते हैं, वह उसी से लेते हैं!

आगे चलकर जब "त्रिजटा" ने कहा कि "लंका में बंदर आया हुआ है, और वह लंका जलायेगा!" तो हनुमान जी बड़ी चिंता मे पड़ गये, कि प्रभु ने तो लंका जलाने के लिए कहा ही नहीं है
, और त्रिजटा कह रही है कि उन्होंने स्वप्न में देखा है, एक वानर ने लंका जलाई है! अब उन्हें क्या करना चाहिए? *जो प्रभु इच्छा!

जब रावण के सैनिक तलवार लेकर हनुमान जी को मारने के लिये दौड़े, तो हनुमान ने अपने को बचाने के लिए तनिक भी चेष्टा नहीं की, और जब "विभीषण" ने आकर कहा कि दूत को मारना अनीति है, तो
 हनुमान जी समझ गये कि मुझे बचाने के लिये प्रभु ने यह उपाय कर दिया है!

आश्चर्य की पराकाष्ठा तो तब हुई, जब रावण ने कहा कि बंदर को मारा नहीं जायेगा, पर पूंछ मे कपड़ा लपेट कर, घी डालकर, आग लगाई जाये, तो हनुमान जी सोचने लगे कि लंका वाली त्रिजटा की बात सच थी, वरना लंका को जलाने के लिए मै कहां से घी, तेल, कपड़ा लाता, और कहां आग ढूंढता? पर वह प्रबन्ध भी आपने रावण से करा दिया! जब आप रावण से भी अपना काम करा लेते हैं, तो

 मुझसे करा लेने में आश्चर्य की क्या बात है !

इसलिये सदैव याद रखें, कि संसार में जो हो रहा है, वह सब ईश्वरीय विधान है!
हम और आप तो केवल निमित्त मात्र हैं!
इसीलिये कभी भी ये भ्रम न पालें कि...
मै न होता, तो क्या होता ?

ना मैं श्रेष्ठ हूँ,
ना ही मैं ख़ास_हूँ,
मैं तो बस छोटा सा,
भगवान का दास हूँ॥

Saturday, October 09, 2021

Experience of VFS Center, Goswell Road, London


My purpose to write this article is to highlight the shortcomings I noticed as a member of public in hope that some of these if not all, can be addressed. 

Today I visited the VFS center as a witness signatory for one of my friend's Power of  Attorney application. The appointment time was 1:30 pm. 

When we arrived. the receptionist, a nice young fellow, asked my friend's name. He could not find my friend's appointment details in his printed copy of the day's appointments. He then checked it on his computer and could found it. He then gave us a numbered token and allowed us to proceed in the main hall. The appointment was taken at least 2 days earlier and assuming the receptionist's appointment list was printed in the morning - there was obviously a gap here in the systems.

We got seated in a large hall which was almost full of people. There were chairs to sit. At one end of the hall was a photocopier and a photo booth. Photocopier was self service and expensive - 50p per page. The photo booth was out of order. 

There was a row of 10 or so counters to serve people however when we entered, only 2 seems to be manned at that time - possibly due to lunch times. Number of open counters kept changing between 2 to 5 during the time we were there.

The token numbers were being displayed on a TV screen. There was another screen which was not working. The TV screen was also displaying approximate wait times for different kinds of applications, maximum of which was about 40 mins. One would expect that if you have an appointment time, you would be served at that time.

We got our call after more than 1.5 hours, some people have been waiting for even more.  This moment was like winning a lottery as you have been waiting for so long. However the lottery-winning-joy was short lived. The staff handling our application told that our POA application was not in order. My friend & his wife were co-owners of the property and they had made 2 POA application for each of them. The staff told, it need to be one joint application and not two separate ones. There were few other minor issues that she highlighted in the POA form. We were told to take another appointment with correct application. However after a bit of request, she offered if we can update the application, she can print it and then we can proceed. 

I created the new application on my mobile phone (did not had laptop there), got it reviewed by her, mailed her office and finally at about 5 pm we were able to submit the application. 

POAs can be for various reasons, but I think majority of such applications must be property related. It would be great help if GOI/HCI/Law ministry can provide some draft application forms and clear rules for such matters.

Throughout the 3.5 hours that I spent there, I must say, the staff was professional, cooperative and were trying their best to help people. However, the number of appointments they have given were much more than they can handle.

I also saw a couple of cases of child/minor passport renewal - in such cases people were coming with the child. However the child (whose passport is to be renewed) is NOT required to be present. This information should be provided beforehand and this can help decrease crowd as well as stress for all. 

Overall, a unique experience!

Monday, June 29, 2020

My Friends of housing board

I do sometimes wonder about my happiest days. For most of the kids their childhood days remain the best and somehow more we grow old, the better those appear in our memories.

I do remember vaguly about living in my ancestoral village, my dadaji brought apples on my birthday, then I remember a bit of badopal where I had broken my leg. I chersh the days from housing board hisar.

I had friends and lots of them. There was a lane of houses for the buffalo farm employees. I remember Pawan, Abhishek and Vicky from there.
Pawan was a bihari and he could bowl like Paul Adams of South Africa but was an amazing alrounder.
Abhishek was the man with bat made of cocunut tree - the one of few bats that we had and hence he would always bat first in any cricket match on the street.
Vicky was fun loving punjabi boy - I heard he is still in hisar and into business.

The I remember so lovingly, Abhilesh - he was younger to me, a leftie batsman and chess player. I remember so many cricket and chess games with him. I always misspelt his name on his birthday cards which he obviosly got mad about.

There was ever so silent Arvind, kid of the uncle who sold insurances.

Mohit was my friend and classmate at DAV school. His father, Prem, had a kirana store to supply the most of the nearby houses. I remember Prem uncly always being so funny and jolly person. I was always so amazed as how could he remember about price and location of thousands of things that he sold in this shop. And of course he also remembered every person's name and their house number. Mohit had 2 younger brothers - Rohit and Rajan. Rajan was classmate of Sumit, whose birthday came on 2nd Oct - same as Gandhi Jayanti.

Then there were so many girls - almost all of them elder to me and took care of me like younger brother. Kanchan, Shail, Suman, Rajni..

There was a elder kid in my row of house no 555 - I think he had a hole in his heart that was operated upon. I also remember him teasing when he told us that there is time difference of 30 mins in India and Pakistan.. we so made fun of him that how it could be.. we were so kids.

Speaking of geography, I remember a temp teacher in school wondering and discssing with us as why does all the water from earth not fall down, from earth!!

And when it came to festivals, oh.. there was as much dread as was excitement. Dread? you may ask.
Well there is the tradition of exchanging sweets on festivals. So my mom like every other lady in the colony would make a variey of sweets. I would then prepare a plate putting some sweets of each kind and courier it to all the neighbours one by one. And oh - I was instructed to politly ask back the plate so that next consignment could be prepared for shipping.

As for fun part - the celebrations would start a month ago for Holi and Diwali. The only difficult part was to extract some money from parents to buy coloursm water guns or crackers.
I once swallowed holi colour powder thinking it was some supari sweet.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Money and happiness..
I was there at my Organisational Behavior class, when the professor asked this question - Is money the biggest motivator?
Before I tell you the answer, let me tell you about the class. I'm into MBA executive program at FMS, DU, New Delhi. Our batch has average experience of 14 years, with many students of have more than 20 years exp and few with more than 30 and even 40 years of exp. There is also a regular, full time class which as avg experience of 2-3 years.

The answer from the full time students was YES.
The answer from executive class was NO.

Hopefully experience is correct...

The purpose of life and happiness..
some guys are born with silver spoons  while other perish even before they had been fed a single spoon and then there other thousand (millions?) scenarios. 

it is easy to live if you don't care much (even in vague thoughts) and live for yourself alone. Any vague thoughts and they can occasionally disturb you. Sometimes it gives some strange feeling, like guilt. Some social work can offload some of this, however whenever I have thoughts about it - the world as it is - it throws me into abysses of darkness, pessimism , awkward feelings, guilt. And sometimes this degenerates into self-hatred as well.

There are stories/thoughts like - because God can't be everywhere (stranger thought again), he has sent us to and made us capable to help those in need. But why is the world created as such - why are people created by Him who need help. Is all this has been made just to make life interesting on earth? If everyone was equal and no one in need, it would have been as good as life-less world.

But then I also think why would God create such a unequal world - with his own unequal children? And I think, probably the world as we see is just our viewpoint. And the rich had probably created this viewpoint, or probably by people who always see the glass half-filled.

So an interesting thing that I've concluded is that no worldly thing helps to  make you happier. It does not matter if you are super rich or just able to make your ends meet. Going to your Gurgaon office - facing hall lot of traffic - by car may be safer than going by, say, bicycle - but I don't think that will make you happier.

Happiness generates from self, from within - it depends more on one's attitude to life than one's altitude in society.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

अन्ना हजारे, भ्रस्टाचार और मैं...
प्रेमचंद की कहानियो में अक्सर नायक अपनी ज़िन्दगी में उलझा रहता है. उसके आसपास आज़ादी की लड़ाई चलती रहती है, लेकिन उसे अपनी ज़िन्दगी से ही फुर्सत नहीं. आज़ादी के समय हमारे देश की आबादी 35 करोड़ थी. उनमे से कितने थे जो आज़ादी के लिए लड़े? क्यों इतने सारे लोग मुठी भर अंग्रेजो के गुलाम रहे? बहुत बार ये सवाल मेरे मन में आता है.... लेकिन जवाब शायद अब मिला है...हम सब भ्रस्टाचार(आज के अँगरेज़) से छुटकारा चाहते है.. अन्ना हजारे और कुछ लोग (सवंत्रता सेनानी)  इसके खिलाफ लड़ भी रहे है, लेकिन ज़्यादातर भारतीय (मैं भी) अपनी रोज़मर्रा की ज़िन्दगी में ही उलझे हुए है. अन्ना की लड़ाई हमारे लिए एक खबर ही है, हो सकता है की बहुत से लोगो की शुभ कामनाए अन्ना के साथ हो, लेकिन प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक रूप से हम कुछ नहीं कर रहे है.. हम भी प्रेमचंद की कहानियो के लाचार और स्वार्थी नायक है...
फिर सोचता हूँ की अन्ना की लड़ाई कितनी ठीक है? गाँधीजी ने भी देश आजाद कराया था, लेकिन क्या आज के लिए? दोष मुठी भर भ्रष्ट नेताओ का नहीं, बल्कि हमारे समाज का है. उन नेताओ को भी तो हमने ही बनाया. 
गाँधी जी ने कहा इलाज बीमार का नहीं बीमारी का करो. हमारी बीमारी हम सवयं, हमारा समाज है - जातिवाद, चरित्र की कमी है... क्या इसका कोई इलाज है?