Saturday, October 09, 2021

Experience of VFS Center, Goswell Road, London


My purpose to write this article is to highlight the shortcomings I noticed as a member of public in hope that some of these if not all, can be addressed. 

Today I visited the VFS center as a witness signatory for one of my friend's Power of  Attorney application. The appointment time was 1:30 pm. 

When we arrived. the receptionist, a nice young fellow, asked my friend's name. He could not find my friend's appointment details in his printed copy of the day's appointments. He then checked it on his computer and could found it. He then gave us a numbered token and allowed us to proceed in the main hall. The appointment was taken at least 2 days earlier and assuming the receptionist's appointment list was printed in the morning - there was obviously a gap here in the systems.

We got seated in a large hall which was almost full of people. There were chairs to sit. At one end of the hall was a photocopier and a photo booth. Photocopier was self service and expensive - 50p per page. The photo booth was out of order. 

There was a row of 10 or so counters to serve people however when we entered, only 2 seems to be manned at that time - possibly due to lunch times. Number of open counters kept changing between 2 to 5 during the time we were there.

The token numbers were being displayed on a TV screen. There was another screen which was not working. The TV screen was also displaying approximate wait times for different kinds of applications, maximum of which was about 40 mins. One would expect that if you have an appointment time, you would be served at that time.

We got our call after more than 1.5 hours, some people have been waiting for even more.  This moment was like winning a lottery as you have been waiting for so long. However the lottery-winning-joy was short lived. The staff handling our application told that our POA application was not in order. My friend & his wife were co-owners of the property and they had made 2 POA application for each of them. The staff told, it need to be one joint application and not two separate ones. There were few other minor issues that she highlighted in the POA form. We were told to take another appointment with correct application. However after a bit of request, she offered if we can update the application, she can print it and then we can proceed. 

I created the new application on my mobile phone (did not had laptop there), got it reviewed by her, mailed her office and finally at about 5 pm we were able to submit the application. 

POAs can be for various reasons, but I think majority of such applications must be property related. It would be great help if GOI/HCI/Law ministry can provide some draft application forms and clear rules for such matters.

Throughout the 3.5 hours that I spent there, I must say, the staff was professional, cooperative and were trying their best to help people. However, the number of appointments they have given were much more than they can handle.

I also saw a couple of cases of child/minor passport renewal - in such cases people were coming with the child. However the child (whose passport is to be renewed) is NOT required to be present. This information should be provided beforehand and this can help decrease crowd as well as stress for all. 

Overall, a unique experience!


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